Captain Picard Day

Picard Day 2019 Emblem-01Are you ready, Trekkies? Let us celebrate Captain Picard Day on 16 June! As you remember, the first Captain Picard Day is celebrated on Star Trek: The Next Generation season 7 episode “The Pegasus”, when the event was held aboard the USS Enterprise-D for the ship’s schoolchildren. Activities included a contest, judged by Captain Jean-Luc Picard himself, in which the children created paintings and models of the captain. Continue reading

Captain Picard Day

Picard Day 2019 Emblem-01Are you ready, Trekkies? Let us celebrate Captain Picard Day on 16 June! As you remember, the first Captain Picard Day is celebrated on Star Trek: The Next Generation season 7 episode “The Pegasus”, when the event was held aboard the USS Enterprise-D for the ship’s schoolchildren. Activities included a contest, judged by Captain Jean-Luc Picard himself, in which the children created paintings and models of the captain. Continue reading